๑. methylprednisolone ๑ g powder and solvent for solution for injection/infusion จำนวน ๒,๔๐๐ vial
๒. nicardipine hydrochloride ๑๐ mg/๑๐ mL solution for injection, ๑๐ mL ampoule จำนวน ๑๔,๐๐๐ ampoule
๑. methylprednisolone ๑ g powder and solvent for solution for injection/infusion จำนวน ๒,๔๐๐ vial
๒. nicardipine hydrochloride ๑๐ mg/๑๐ mL solution for injection, ๑๐ mL ampoule จำนวน ๑๔,๐๐๐ ampoule